Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Enskats

Look at these sweeties!!!  Some amazing people, The Enskats have committed to bringing home these three beauties from Eastern Europe!  They have gotten some difficult news regarding their little boy, Timofey!  He is in the hospital right now, in his country and they suspect that he has Leukemia!  So time is of the essence!  The sooner treatment can begin, the better his chances! 

The Enskats are hoping to submit their dossier by the end of this month, but are still approximately $3,000 short for travel expenses!  Please, if you feel so led, click over to their blog and read about their family and help them by donating and get these kids home as soon as possible!  Timofey’s life depends on it!!  You CAN help make a difference!!!! 

If you are unable to help financially, please add them to your prayer lists!  They can use all the prayerful support they can get! 

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