Friday, April 1, 2011

Sofia Bulgaria – Conference

Well finally getting around to this post….  The CONFERECE was AWESOME!!  There were over 200 people there and there were LOTS of questions… LOTS of information and I believe there were DOORS OPENED that had either been closed or only open a crack!  I truly believe that this is the beginning of HUGE change in Bulgaria!  Not just because of the conference, but because of the PEOPLE there and how READY they are for change!  It was truly inspirational to see these people so hungry for information and wanting things to be better!!!  It will happen.. I am sure of it!!

Here are some pictures of our day!!!!

 173 174 176 177 178 182 185 186 189 190 192 193 194 196 199 203 204 205 206 207  209 216 217 218 222 



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