Thursday, October 21, 2010

I’ve been MIA!!!

Well I had the greatest intentions to blog every day of October!  Well that quickly came to a halt with the chaos that has been happening in our family!!!

Our month began with our local Buddy Walk on October 2nd.  I was the chairperson so as you can imagine I was running my butt off trying to get stuff done.  It was a long weekend, however it’s so rewarding and I LOVE IT!!!  Pictures to come later.. I promise!!

Then on Monday, October 4, I had out-patient surgery.  On our way out of town to the hospital, Jake’s school called and said he had a 102 fever.  So, Joe dropped me at the hospital and went to pick up Jake… then he met my parents to make the exchange.  We thought he was teething and didn’t think much of it. 

Surgery went as planned and I was in recovery by 3:00 and at 5:00 pm, I was still in my room waiting to be released and I called my parents to remind them that Katie was going to be on the 5:00 news for the Buddy Walk!  My mom said that Jake was warm and his face was pretty red.  I told her we’d be home soon and assess the situation.

Well, probably nothing could have prepared me for what we came home to.  Jake looked horrible.  Joe took one look at him and scooped him up and out the door he went to the ER.  Ended up being ambulanced almost 40 miles to a larger hospital with Influenza A and a Bacterial Infection – also a fever of 105!!  Holy Cow.  Joe was on vacation that week and so he stayed with Jake in the hospital for a few days.  Ended up staying in the hospital until October 9th!  UGH!!!

Came home feeling much better –THANK GOODNESS!!  Then on Sunday night (the following day) we went to IHOP for dinner!  Josie was feeling a bit under the weather and she was a little warm.  She didn’t want to eat and that should have been my clue right there.  After we were done with dinner..  Josie coughed twice and then it happened….. PUKE EVERYWHERE!!  I couldn’t grab anything quick enough and the only thing I could do was try (unsuccessfully, I might add) to catch it in my hands.  She and I were covered in mess and I scooped her up and out the door we went.  Cleaned up with baby wipes and we drove the 30 miles home!  Of course she couldn’t go to school on Monday though she was feeling a little better.  Tuesday, off to school she went.  I got a call at work that she was sleeping in class.  Then that she had a 103 fever.  So off I went to pick her up.  She didn’t hold anything down all the rest of the week!  She slept and the fever was on and off (on when she wasn’t on Motrin or Tylenol)!  Then on Friday she started breathing funny when she slept (which was pretty much all of the day). 

Monday, Joe took her to the dr and they ambulanced her to the same hospital that Jake and I were in the week before!  She had pneumonia!  GREAT!!  Three hospital stays in two weeks!  We are still here now and Josie is on room air finally.  We’ll see how she does tonight and maybe we’ll come home tomorrow!  Please pray for these things….

1.  That we can get the heck out of here tomorrow.

2.  That Josie is well and can enjoy her birthday next week!  She’ll be a big girl of 6!!!

3.  That this is not an indication of what our winter is going to be like.

4. That I can keep my sanity until we get out of here!!! 

Thank you all for your help during this CRAZY time and also THANK you for your prayers!!!!!


The Mac's House said...

Wow! No wonder you've been MIA.

Prayers that all of you will recover, remain healthy and strong in the weeks, months ahead as we go into the winter season.

All that sounds like a chain reaction hitting the household.

Glad to hear that you are all on the mend.

Prayers for health!

RK said...

HO-LY COW! Unbelievable!

Prayers that you're all well and home very soon, with NO hospital visits anywhere in the near future!